[妻と二人きり日本旅行05] 由布岳登頂機2:由布岳中央登山口→由布岳東峰頂上由布岳登山コース 由布岳 由布山 Mount Yufu由布岳を登る経路は中央(正面)登山路と西側登山路を利用する方法で大きく2つだ。@ 由布院カントリーロードユースホステル↑ 上記の地図は由布岳登頂同行ガイドサービス(有料)も行っている由布院カントリーロードユースホステルのホームページにある登山地図である。上の地図の真ん中に位置する由布岳中央(正面)登山路入口(由布岳中央登山口)を通じて登頂するのが一般的だ。中央登山路または正面登山路と呼ばれる駐車場、トイレのあるところから始まるコースで1時間内外を歩いて上がれば由布岳西側登山路(由布岳)と出会う高野越(合野越合夜月)1020メートル地点に到着する。そこからは急傾斜を登るために作ったジグザグの道を緩やかだが、やや退屈に1時間ほどさらに登る。東峰と西峰の分かれ道である又江(マタエ)1494メートル地点を過ぎて、それぞれ20分余りさらに上がれば、東峰と西峰に登ることになる。このように登るのに2時間半ほど、原点回帰で同じコースで降りるのに2時間または2時間半を取って、由布岳中央登山路の原点回帰コースの所要時間は4時間半から5時間を取るのが普通だ。もう一つのコースとしては、由布岳西側登山路入口(由布岳西登山口)を通って登る方法がある。@ YAMAPホームページ西から来る場合、由布院町からすぐ徒歩進入が可能だという利点はあるが、登山コースがはるかに長く(6時間半以上所要)、何より初行道には道探しが容易ではないこともあるのでガイドと一緒に必ず同伴することが推奨される道なので、初めて由布岳に登るなら中央(正面)登山路を利用した方が良い。後述するが、妻と私は中央(正面)登山路を利用して登ってから下山しながら分かれ道であるゴヤゴエ(合夜月)で右に曲がって西側登山路を利用して下山した。結果的によくやった。 登りにくい西側の登山路を下山ルートとして利用することで、それほど難しくなく、二つのコースをすべて経験することができた。 そして個人的には西の登山路がずっと美しかった。後で知ったのですが、実際に多くの人が中央に上がってから西側に抜けるこのコースで動いていると。@ 月刊山月刊山の雑誌に載っていた、由布岳登山路にある地図の表示板にハングル翻訳を入れた写真だが、本ポスティングの一番上に紹介したカントリーロードユースホステルで提供する地図の方がもう少し直観的で理解が容易そうだ。由布院市役所のサイトで提供している英語の案内資料と地図。有用なリンク集め for 由布岳登頂由布岳への登頂を準備しながら、助けてもらったリンクをいくつか紹介する。1. YAMAPhttps://yamap.com/mountains/97유후다케의 최신 등산정보 / 인기 등산로, 사진, 날씨 등 | YAMAP / 야맵 오이타현 유후시의 유후다케는 ‘온센현’ 오이타를 대표하는 온천지 중 하나인 유후인 온천 뒤에 우뚝 솟은 일본 200여 명산.균형 잡힌 아름다운 산세는 후카다 히사야가 『일본 백명산』으로 선택하지 않은 것을 후회하게 했다.도봉과 서봉 두 개의 봉우리로 이루어진 쌍이봉으로 최고점은 yamap.comYAMAP is a popular hiking app in Japan. It can also be used on the web, of course. The business, which was first headquartered in Hakata, Fukuoka, in 2013 and started as a hiking app, has now grown into a comprehensive outdoor company, selling high-quality outdoor goods. YAMAP’s map service is particularly useful for foreigners who are new to us. You can check out the trail of Yufudake by going through the link below. Of course, the trail of Yufudake is very simple without worrying about getting lost.@ YAMAPNo language detected.
Please check the input language.Yufudake · Tsurumi-dake Hiking Trail | YAMAP Yufudake · Tsurumi-dake Hiking Route · Free hiking map page with course time. You can print a map or check your activity diary through the trajectory’s checkpoint, etc. yamap.comYufudake · Tsurumi-dake Hiking Trail | YAMAP Yufudake · Tsurumi-dake Hiking Route · Free hiking map page with course time. You can print a map or check your activity diary through the trajectory’s checkpoint, etc. yamap.com2. Yamato-Keikokusha (Mountain and Valley magazine) https://www.yamakei-online.com/yamanavi/yama.php?yama_id=964Yufu-dake – Yufu only: 1,583 meters above sea level – A mountain on the border between Yufuin Town, Oita Prefecture (now Yufuin Town, Yufu City) and Beppu City. The appearance of the two-eared rocky peaks rising from east to west has been revered as a sacred mountain since ancient times, and many legends and stories remain.Also, in “Bungo Fudoki,” it is written as “Yuzutubou”…www.yamakei-online.comYamato と is Japan’s leading hiking magazine with a history of more than 90 years. It is similar to Korea’s monthly mountain. Yamato Keikoku also runs a great website. (www.yamakei-online.com ) There is information on Japan’s countless excellent mountains and, of course, a lot of information on the Yufudake that makes it one of Japan’s top 200 most famous mountains.3. Yufu Travel Information Center (Yufu Tourism Information Center) https://yufu-tic.jp/shiori/471/Yufu Dake Yufuin Yufuin Yufuin Yufuin Tourism Yufuin Tourism Yufuin Tourism yufu-tic.jpThis is the website of the Yufushi Tourist Information Center, which was built in front of Yufuin Station. There is no specific hiking information, but the story is introduced in Yufudake.4. 유후시청https://www.city.yufu.oita.jp/kankou/yufudaemapYufu City, Oita Prefecture | Official Home Page | Tourism, Culture, Tourism and Culture current location front page Tourism and Culture Yufu Mountain Climbing Route Map Printed Yufu Mountain Climbing Route Map I made a route map for climbing Yufu-dake.It lists the things you should be careful about when climbing Mt. Yufu and the hiking routes.Please read it. Yufu-dake mountain climbing route map Japanese version (PDF) Yufu-dake mountain climbing route map (English) ●Japanese version ●English version About this page Contact Us Commerce, Industry and Tourism Division (2nd floor of the new main building) 097-582-1304 Back to Previous Page Hot spring sightseeing spot culture Accommodation Gourmet Experience ●Download tourist brochure www.city.yufu.oita.jpYou can download the Yufudake hiking map made by Yufu City Hall, which has already been divided above, in PDF format, in Japanese and English.5. Country Road Youth Hostel://www.countryroadyh.com/tozanYufuin Country Road Youth Hostel Yufuin Central Climbing Entrance Course ·Yufu-dake East Climbing Entrance Course ·Yufu-dake West Climbing Entrance Course, Iimorigajo Climbing Course, Hyuga-dake Climbing Course, Hyuga-dake Climbing Course 2, Yufu-dake Basic Information Mt. Yufu (Bungo Fuji) At an altitude of 1.584 meters, the mountain is loved as a symbol of Yufuin. It is a solitary peak, and on a fine day, you can see from the top to Shikoku.You can see this youth hostel clearly from the western summit, so please look for it.Yamabiraki is held around the middle of May every year. From late May in spring, Miyama Kirishima blooms in full bloom, and in summer, the green meadow spreads out, and from around October in autumn, it turns red with autumn leaves.そ…www.countryroadyh.comIt seems a bit clunky, but this is the website of Country Road Youth Hostel, a place where you can find a lot of information on climbing Yufudake. The owner of the youth hostel also provides a guide for the ascent of Yufudake. The guide is available for two or more hikers. It costs 3,000 yen per person for a course using the central hiking trail and 3,500 yen per person for a course using the western hiking trail. The guide also includes a hot spring at the Country Road Youth Hostel after vehicle pickup and hiking. However, after climbing the summit of Yufudake, I feel that if I follow the safety rules properly, I don’t think I need to use a guide.From the entrance of the central hiking trail to Goyagoe (由布岳登 Mountain → Combined 野越)It’s a simple toilet after getting off at a bus stop in 由布岳登 Mountain 口 (Yuhuda Keto Zanguchi), but there is no toilet on the hiking trail. If it’s an emergency situation, you should take care of it yourself.) Now you will climb the mountain.At the beginning of the trail stands a monument honoring a local businessman named Matsuro Sato. He is said to be a local businessman who has done a lot for the development of Oita and Yufuin, and it serves as the first milestone for foreign hikers to climb Yufudake.Next to Gongdeokbi, there is an entrance report desk with an eerie phrase of death. If you open the handle shown below, there is an entry report form. If possible, it would be better to submit less. My husband and I thought that we would come down before sunset, so we didn’t write it down and submitted it. It wasn’t a very dangerous situation, but after 7 and a half hours, it got dark all over the place, so I thought I should have used that to go up.If you look at the translator roughly, it’s the same as above. “Let’s have the courage to go back” really touches my heart. It’s normal if you go up a little further, but with a little more strength, you can go around the Seobong crater and enclose it. … It’s a great courage to be able to go back to your regret and greed if you’re at the limit or if you’re in danger.Although my husband and I happened to live for seven and a half hours, Yufudake is usually a safe mountain that takes five hours to get back and forth.Deaths are places where accidents actually occur, however. It is not a big surprise in terms of statistics. Even Mount Bukhan and Mount Dobong that we are familiar with often fail to follow safety rules and regulations, resulting in death or distress accidents.Last year alone, more than two deaths occurred in Yufudake, all of which were crashes while お鉢巡り (Ohachimeguri) between the summit’s enclosure and Seobong.お鉢巡り (Ohachimeguri). Crater circuit in Korean? Literally, it means going around a crater once, and it is usually referred to as when it is at the top of Mt. Fuji, but it is also called Ohachimeguri when it is around another volcanic crater.@ YAMAPYAMAP also has a hiking trail around the Yufudake crater, and posts about Ohachimeguri between Yufudake and Seobong seem to be often like that.However, when I go there, I can’t see the road and the crater part is quite large and deep and dark, so I’m scared.If you really have to walk around, you should ask people like the owner of the country road hostel to get a local guide and move together.The peak seen in the middle of the picture above is not Dongwon or Seobong, the summit of Yufudake, but is an old fortress site called 飯盛ヶ Fortress.@ YAMAPIf you can’t afford to go to the top of the mountain, just going up to the Imori Gajo will give you a great view. This is the place where there used to be an actual mountain fortress. This means that the view would be just enough. If you go up from the entrance of the 780-meter-high mountain trail, you can easily reach the 1,067-meter-high Imori Gajo.그러나 우리가 가는 길은 모리가조가 아니라 동봉된 곳으로 가는 것입니다.조금만 올라가면 겨울에도 열리지 않는 화장실 건물을 볼 수 있는 화장실 건물을 볼 수 있는 화장실 건물을 볼 것입니다.곧 갈께. 오피와 함께 갈 수 있는 길이다.덕덕지지의 모든 징후가 없지만 도로정보가 간단하지만 도로 정보 표지판이 중요할 때, 도로정보 표지판이 있어야 합니다.가는 길은 숲 경로입니다.여름과 가을에 오면, 나는 훨씬 밀도가 훨씬 밀도를 통해 걸을 수 있을 것이다.너무 어렵지 않은 완만한 경사로를 걷습니다.특히 산에서는 위험한 쪽으로 가면 안 됩니다.”그야월)은 출발 후 1시간 미만일)은 출발 후 1시간 미만이다.산 서쪽의 서쪽 측면은 산의 중심면을 만나는 장소이다.그들이 이미 올라가면 꼭대기에서 내려갈 때, 그들의 아버지와 젊은 딸들이 함께 라면(컵) 라면을 즐기고 있다.그것은 국가 규칙이고, 그들의 자녀들과 함께 산에 오르는 아버지, 세계 규칙이다.고야고에(복합 野越)에서 봉투 상단까지여행을 떠난 후 경사면은 조금 더 급한 일이 더 시급하다.숲길을 걷는 후 조금 더 걷는다.어떤 관점에서 볼 수 있고, 여러분은 유푸아 마을 전체를 볼 수 있습니다.물론 그럴 수 있는 방법이 있습니다.목적지는 여전히 긴 길이 멀다.지금부터 약간 지루한 지그재그의 연속입니다.지루할 수 있지만, 당신은 매타(タ aエ),’ on an, mat ride you, se itong althoughroads it boring be can is said to dongbu ( reach yous into cross)이 지루할 수 없다.물론, 나는 산에 가고 있지만, 내 아내는 내 아내가 매우 느리고 있다.괜찮아요.내가 이런 일이 일어날 줄 알았어.천천히 걸어왔지만, 당신이 나를 따라왔지만 정말 감사합니다.보기가 지워졌고, 지그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그재그그것은 지루하지 않다.일단 시야가 정리되고 지그재그로 한번 바뀌면 정상으로 가는 길은 계속해서 숨막히는 풍경입니다. 올라가는 길은 지루하지 않습니다.오늘 싱글 하이킹으로 결론을 내릴 수는 없지만, 강원 태백산 스노 마운드에 올라갔을 때 서로 부딪혔고, 그들은 서로 부딪혔을 때 서로 부딪히고 있다.와, 좋은 예너, 좋은 예절을 가지고 있는 우와 예절을 가지고 있기를 바랍니다.아, 하지만…마티 접근 방식은 갑자기 더 급한 일이 점점 더 시급해지고 있다.정상회담의 헤드라인도 글로벌 룰이 있다는 것 같다.힘들었지만 그리 길지는 않았어요, 비탈길을 지나 걸어가죠,나는 멀리 공부하면서 많은 시간을 볼 수 있습니다.와, 우리는 이 분화구에 올렸어요.여기서 떠나면, 셋을 찾을 것이고, 만약 당신이 옳을 경우 모시닌을 찾을 것입니다.- 저리 비켜!이제 4배로 기어올 수 있을 것 같아요.만약 여러분이 조심한다면, 아직 안 돼, 아직 아내가 걱정돼서 다시 돌아다니는 것 같아요.바위와 바위, 배, 배, 팔꿈치, 팔꿈치, 팔꿈치, 팔꿈치, 팔꿈치,,을 올라가자마자 부드러운 경로를 느낄 수 있다는 느낌을 느낄 수 있습니다.여보, 힘내세요…여보, 힘내세요…여보, 힘내세요…여보, 힘내세요…